I have had a black American staying here for Ns Sisters wedding to a bloke from Philedelphia called T. Ts sister had married a bus driver, TJ,and he kept apologising for them both before they turned up. C, Ns sister had worked in Germany and the day before the wedding we had the Germans and the Americans at ours for a drink....everyone behaved as their characatures-TJ was loud, brash and treated everyone like they were sad because they were not from US and kept talking about his bus route (but said ROWT) All but 1 German ignored us talking german to each other accross us- IN MY OWN HOUSE. I sort of excused them trying to keepthe peace til I found out one of them was an English teacher and was fluent.
Ts sister and bus driver husband were very big hearted but I dont know where they thought they had come to-She put her shitty toilet paper in the bin because she had heard we didnt flush. They had a daughter, A and I had made her a little bed on the floor of their room. She told me Ns cat shat in the room, so I said I dont deal with the cat and gave her some cleaning stuff, apologising profusely of course, but when we went in to tidy after they had gone, the pile of shit was still there AND I KID YOU NOT, it was right by where her kids head had rested on her pillow.
I took them to Wales and they just kept saying Geez, theres so many sheep. I was bleedin exhausted when it was all over.
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