Yeah, there's plenty of lingo that I have picked up, and even though I don't think that I have an accent, I actually do. One of my friends from London came to visit me last year, and he said I sound as though I have been dropped in the middle of the Atlantic!LOVE David Beckham!!! I mean LOVE him, my American friends just roll their eyes when I start talking about him. A few weeks after he came to the LA Galaxy, he came to DC United, I managed to get a ticket but it was sold out. He scored against us to, a great free kick of course. DC United are one of the most supported teams because there are a ton of hispanics in the DC area. Plus, they won the Championship several years in a row when it first started.
I still have a very loud obnoxious laugh, and I am still loud and obnoxious period, it got me into a lot of trouble when I first moved here, because I refuse to be diplomatic for the sake of it, and Americans want to be politically correct about everything - fuck 'em. The nice thing about being at the market every weekend is that most of the vendors are foreign or black, and I appreciate the diversity.
No, I don't have to subscribe to a package to get the footie. I have cable tv, and it comes with the Fox Soccer Channel, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch. I get to see Sky Sports news at Noon and at 7pm every day. On Saturdays they show the live Premier League games, but we are 5 hours behind here, and I am at the market, I sometimes record the games, but I can't resist checking on my phone to see the results anyway, which kind of defeats the purpose. Sometimes the commentators are American and I have to switch the sound off because they can't pronounce the names right and it's so annoying, plus they don't know shit about football. The Champions League games are on ESPN, so FSC can't broadcast them. I also get to watch Dream Team which I LOVE, of course we're at least a couple of years behind. I also get to watch Eastenders (6 years behind!!) No Corrie unfortunately. We have BBCAmerica here too, but most of the shows are a piece of shit. I can watch most of the Brit TV series through Netflix DVD's which come in the mail. As far as food goes, I can get a lot of stuff here, more expensive, but worth it. The only thing that I can't get that I miss is Galaxy, but I have a customer who goes to the UK every couple of months and brings me back chocolate. Do you remember when I realised that Sarah's tuck box key opened the door to the tuck cabinet? We stole so much shit out of there. ROFL, that is hysterical.
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