Christmas, Nigerian Bombers and Quality Street

Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year. My cousin and his wife had identical twin girls on Christmas Eve, which was nice. They have 2 older boys, 5 and 3, so their hands are full.

Jeezus! I can't believe that we got knocked out in the 3rd round by Leeds! I was distraught all day yesterday. Weather was shite, so I was at home, and watched the game, seems Man. U are relying a little too much on Rooney.

ALL the talk here, on TV and Radio, and amongst family for obvious reasons, is about that bastard that tried to blow up the plane on Christmas Day. He has totally fucked up everything for Nigerians now, they already said on the radio this morning that extra checks are going to be made on people coming from Nigeria, and people with Nigerian passports. Of course, Cheney had to come out of his hole during the Christmas period, and start ranting on about Obama not being good for National Security, it's what the Repubs do. These bastards are so partisan about everything. When the shoe-bomber tried to blow up the plane back in 2001, the Dems stood by the Republicans, but they are so mean and vicious, they they don't understand that now would be a good time to show some national unity. They are so bitter about the election, still.....bastards.

Of the past 6 weekend days, I have only worked one, which was the Sunday after Christmas. Weather is freezing, which wouldn't normally deter me, because I have an outdoor heater, but we've either had a freezing mix of precipitation, or this weekend 45-50mph winds!!! It's a little worrying, but I am just trying to take it in stride and see what happens. I have money now because of the Christmas season, but I am trying to spend as little as possible.

I ate so much shit from Christmas Eve through New Years Day, I just can't believe it. I have 4 Quality Street left, and once they have gone this evening, that's it, no more junk in the house, except on the weekends. It must be harder for you because you have the boys.

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