Honestly, is there anyone of our age and our generation that doesn't pretty much know every word to every song on Thriller? While I can't claim to ever have been a Michael Jackson fan, I was a huge fan of his music and his dancing, most especially everything to do with the Thriller album and video . Regardless of what he did later in life, regardless of the fact that he was a freak, he was an entertainment genius, and by the way, all geniuses, regardless of their medium are a little whacko. I'm not shocked at his death, because it was always going to end this way, no? I would have been much more surprised if in 20 years he died in his sleep of natural causes.
Recent events have proved that Michael Jackson was still a cultural icon, who crossed all racial and ethnic divides, and he did so long before Barack Obama came along. 50 concerts in England were total sell-outs, who in the world would have that kind of clout 40 years into his profession? They loved him in Europe, they loved him in Asia, and they loved him in Africa, long after his star had faded in America.
May his troubled soul rest in peace.
On the flip side, he's not totally getting a pass from me. I know he had a fucked up childhood, but he was a fucking freak. I totally started losing respect for him during the Oprah Winfrey interview, which I remember watching when I lived in London. He claimed that his skin was getting lighter due to vitiligo, and no-one bought the bullshite, especially not Oprah. I realized he was a total joke during the Martin Bashir interviews, when he was frantically rocking "blanket" on his knee. You know it was The Sun and The News of the World that started calling him, "whacko Jacko!" As far as the child abuse allegations go, I personally believe he was guilty as sin. While there wasn't really any doubt in my mind anyway, it was confirmed to me at least when one of the kids said he gave them wine, and told them it was Jesus Juice - ROFL, bloody hysterical, and absolutely believable.
Apparently he died without a will, that will all come out later. Apparently the cardiac arrest was caused by a drug overdose, that will all come out later. Apparently he was $400-$500 million in debt, and making an annual salary of $20 million, that will all come out later. If it is all true, what a way to end your life, and what a legacy to leave your kids, poor bastards.

The newspaper headlines were shocking. Here we at least had "Jacko Dead"But I saw a US paper whichjust had DEAD written across a dodgy photo! All that day we had Uri Gellar (spoon bender)on telling us he had hypnotised Michael and asked him about the allegations, where they true etc etc and Michael had denied all. However his questions had been carefully thought out "Did you harm any child" "Did you do anything wrong" Well Jacko probably believed he did not harm or do anything wrong, so its hardly conclusive.But Uri made his money that day.
What did make me very sad was his famillies grief; we have had Jermaine and La Toya on Celebrity Big Brother, and they were universally liked- they were gentle and kind individuals, with high standards of behaviour and manners. Jermaine was in with Jade Goody so you can imagine the contrast? Ulrika Johnston won the La Toya Big Brother. Whatever he was , he was someones son, father and brother so we should leave them and his kids to grieve in peace.