Been crying as gordon left and David entered. No idea why

Bloody 'ell, so was I, and I don't really care for Gordon. Found out a lot today about their personal lives that I didn't know, WTF??? Brown lost a daughter, and has a son with CF, Cameron has a disabled kid, and wife is up the duff!!!!!
I just heard Alex Salmond talking shit about Labour and saying how they didn't try to form a coalition with the Lib-Dems because they were happy to go into opposition, and bitching about the cuts that are coming to Scotland. Politics is a bitch man!

So much for the Special Relationship.I heard this morning that the UK election received the same coverage in the Washington post as a Chinese factory story. Obama had said "we have been watching with interest".... yet even you didnt know about the kids. If you get to watch Cam and Sam Cam arriving at No. 10 again it is lovely to watch how he helps her out of the car and snuggles up to her laughing, but there was no need to cup her bosom just before going through the door!!!!And Gordons tribute to his wife and family was lovely.
Alex Salmond is a parochial self interested small minded bigot. Just like his mate Sean connery, who lives in the Bahamas.
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