Lots of news on the homefront, I guess the two major stories are the freaking oil spill, which is an absolute disaster. It's awful to even think about it, but the pictures coming out are horrendous. No hope for the fisherman, and people whose livelihoods are affected. I'm sure it will be an excuse for gas/petrol prices to go even higher, as they are inching up already, though we don't pay anywhere near the prices you all pay. The cost of seafood is going to be astronomical, which is a bitch because I love to cook shrimp on the barbecue at this time of year.
Then of course there is the car bomb that didn't go off in NYC. The American media are such a bunch of arseholes. On Saturday they were sure it was "an Arab", so on my local news radio station, they started scaremongering the listeners by insinuating that the Obama administration wasn't doing enough, and "what if it happens in DC, and the bomb does actually go off this time", but then on Sunday the media was reporting that it seemed like it was a white guy, so the media backed off a bit, and then by Monday when they were sure it was someone of mid-East descent they were back on the terrorist bandwagon.
Then locally there are 2 very high-profile murders that happened in the last couple of weeks. A couple of Friday's ago, a REALLY popular headmaster/principal was murdered in his home. He was white, but chose to give up his job in Montgomery County schools, (very expensive, predominantly Jewish County, good schools etc), next to the County I live in, and moved to be the Principal at a school in DC. He was gay, and apparently the night he was killed he had been on one of those gay chatlines, and had obviously arranged for the guy to meet him at his house. Well he was murdered, robbed, and his car was stolen, and found in SE DC (worst ghetto part of DC). Turns out that 4 black kids (all under 20 it seems), went to his house in order to rob him, one of the kids mother's used the guys stolen credit card the following day - dumb bitch, and I guess everything fell around them like a deck of cards, because on Monday they were all arrested.
Then on Monday, this rich white kid is arrested for murdering his girlfriend at the University of Virginia. Both of them were on UVA's respective Lacrosse teams, which are the top lacrosse teams in the country, the men's team is #1, and the women's is #5. This will not go to trial. He waived his right to an attorney and confessed to the cops. He said it wasn't intentional he shook her. However, he actually beat the shit out of her, because her friends found her lying in a pool of blood, head and face bashed in, and he had taken her computer, which apparently has evidence on it, possibly threats that he made to her.
It's been interesting, watching these 3 ghetto ass-black kids, and this rich white kid all charged with the same crime, murder.
Watching Man. City/Spurs. Of course I want Spurs to win. I am interested in what happens to Raffa. Do you think that he will still be there next season. I'm thinking that he will, unless they sell the team, if it is a Liverpool supporter that buys it, he will be gone. It irked the crap out of me to see Steve McLaren winning the league with FC Twente. Oh how I hate that bastard.
OK, going to finish watching the game, then get dinner started. Not looking forward to Sunday, I can't see Chelsea losing, though stranger things have happened.