I never knew there was a drama GCSE, I thought it was just one of those extra-curricular things that you did for fun, like tennis after school or whatever. They don't do any exams really before they leave high school here. They have Grade Point Averages (GPA's) in school and uni and you're doing well with anything over a 3.0, and are brilliant if you have a 4.0 - it's all based on coursework. When your 17/18 you take what is known as the SAT (standard assessment test), max score is 1600, and that along with your GPA determines whether you get into the college of your choosing or not. However, it's all BS because if you don't have the grades, but have the money you can pretty much go to most colleges you want, it's all about the money here at the end of the day.
I don't think that Fergie is running scared, I really believe he's a bit of a shit-stirrer, and just can't resist responding. I wish he hadn't sunk to that level, but he's always getting digs in here and there with various teams and managers. Whatever, I still love Sir Alex - hero for life. I met him once when I was in London. I went to see United at Loftus Road when QPR were still in the Premier League. I got there around noon, and was just standing around and the United bus rolls off. A couple of people got off and then he got off, I said can I have your autograph please=2 0Alex, and he said do you have a pen love, and I go no, and he goes neither do I sorry!!!! Seriously, he so quickly dismissed me that I was gobsmacked. Freaking hilarious.
Those bastards in the Bush administration deserve to be prosecuted, and if Nancy Pelosi had her way they would. It's criminal what those mo-fo's got up to. Rumsfeld and Cheney were the ringleaders. I can't wait until Colin Powell finally writes his memoir, more truths will then come out. He was pushed out by Rumsfeld and Cheney, there was a 2 hour show on PBS about how Bush was too weak to protect Powell, so he ended up being the fall guy, because Cheney and Rummy were in cahoots. Powell is still too honorable to tell the dirty truth, but give him a couple more years, and he's gonna want to clear his name. He's a cheap bastard though, I used to work at this drugstore part-time when I was saving for my house, and he used to come in, it was in this really wealthy part of Virginia where all the big wigs live, including Cheney. He would come in by himself all the time, no-one used to bother him, because they were all rich and powerful. He wouldn't buy anything unless it was on sale or had a coupon!
I just got an email from Fox Soccer Channel asking if we wanted to see Championship Football on there. I was like hell yeah, it's better than them showing Women's Soccer, or the Asian Soccer League. I'm hoping that we're going to get it for next season, because I'm tired of coming home on a Saturday evening and having to watch the Women's footie and can't watch Sky Sports News because of it.
OMG LOLOL, you're such a bitch! Seriously I am so sick of that Susan Boyle, everyone and his brother is asking me if I've seen it, or emailing me the youtube link. She was on the Today show this morning. Jesus, what is it about Brits loving the underdog?