I had no idea Donovan was Such a bastard. What did he write about Becks?
We all felt heartily better after the absolute thrashing of Argentina...all I needed to make it even better was a shot of Maradonna crying. Lets face it, Germany are well organised, skillful, an unknown quantity til now. Theyve kept it quiet, and they just do the job. All I ask is that the Coach and his assistant check what the other is wearing before they leave the hotel. He is the sort of man, like the bloke who last played Bond before daniel craig, who make me feel sick and shivery. It must be the same feeling as a homophobe feels towards a gay person I am guessing.....it is a real physical revulsion. Anyway, we at least scored 2 goals, and Argentina never had a chance.
The Ghana match was so exciting here. We had A and friends in the front room, with me, N,I and R and friends in the kitchen. Really enjoyed it. Now supporting Holland.
I dont imagine theres much call for knit wear in 100 degrees?