As for the U.S. they can go fuck 'emselves!!!! They were robbed, but so the fuck what? I am so sick of all the shit that they are STILL giving me after last Saturday. I wouldn't even mind if they were generally interested and knew about football, they don't, they're just bandwagon jumpers. I got 19 texts and emails yesterday bitching to me about the injustice of the disallowed goal. I was like listen, shit happens during every World Cup, you ain't the only one's that have had decisions go against you. Then one of my friends emails me back and says, "yeah, but it would be different if it happened to you" I'm like excuse me, if you knew shit about football you would know about the hand of God, so it ain't because you all are American and the whole world is picking on you. When I went to the gym on Monday, some guy was going on and on at me at how could the US/England game end in a tie, that's not sport, it will never take on in America when you don't have a definitive outcome. I'm like, listen, the rest of the world could give a shit if it doesn't catch on in America, it's managed all this time without them. Jesus, then I have people asking me why we say nil-nil and not zero zero, why we say pitch and not field, why we say draw and not tie, and it goes on.......................
I had to laugh at the end of the game, when I was lip-reading Jozy Altidore and Jose Torres. Jozy was pissed, and he wanted to go challenge the ref. and Torres was holding him back. Then Torres says to him "what the fuck are you going to say? Shiiiiiitttttt!!! I cracked up. Love moments like that.
Have to hand it to ESPN. Brilliant coverage. What they did was hire all of the SKY commentators and analysts, Martin Tyler, Ian Darke, Adrian Healey, Ally Mcoist, Steve McManaman, Roberto Martinez,Ruud Gullit (you can tell the American presenters really didn't know who he is because they were initially pronouncing the G in his name, dumbasses) Alexei Lalas (ex US star who knows his shit), then the actual in-studio presenters are American ESPN presenters who have taken a crash course in footie, but they pretty much introduce the guests, and leave them to it, very smart on their part. Only one they haven't got is Andy Grey and he's on Fox Soccer Channel (Sky in America), with Richard Keys, doing an analysis and call in show for an hour after the last game is played. Bloody brilliant. Can't lie, I have watched at least a part of EVERY game so far, with the exception of this mornings 2 games. I can watch them all until Friday of next week, and then I'm pretty much not going to see any more.
As for the oil spill, I am done with Obama. The reason he is trying to act like a tough guy is that he is getting shit from EVERYWHERE, and he doesn't know what to do. Very reactive rather than being proactive. Denmark and Belgium have offered to help out, and they have the equipment, however, too much red tape apparently. Fuck the red tape, just get 'em over here. Apparently BP does own the equipment, which is why they are the only ones that can fix the problem. BP has to take responsibility because it is their executive that told Transocean that they were losing millions a day and had to speed shit up, TO said not a good idea, BP guy said we are the ones paying for this, and we are the ones paying you.
Hotter than Hades here, 95 tomorrow, and all humidity. OK, gotta go, just driven back from a show in Philly, have a date tonight. I have already told him not to talk shit about England otherwise I'm walking out.