The big news here is that Jimmy Carter has said what a lot of us have thought for a long time, essentially the crazies are knocking Obama's policies because he is black. I was in DC on Saturday when the right wing protesters were in town. One of them came by my booth and said to me did you know in England they can't choose their doctor. I said, actually I am British, and you can choose your Dr. and here actually you can't, because if your health insurance provider says that he is not on their provider list, then you can't go to him. She said nothing, sniffed and walked out. So much fucking misinformation being bandied about. Some of the signs they were carrying were so ridiculous they were hysterical. One of the signs said, "Hotline to socialized medicine - 1800- UR-DEAD. Then some of them were carrying photos of Obama with bones through his nose, so disrespectful. I want you to go online just once and listen to Rush Limbaugh, he is the one inciting these people. Fat bastard. O'Reilly is tame in comparison.
The other news is the Kanye West bullshit. He is SUCH an arsehole, I really believe he has mental problems. That poor kid is only 19 years old, and he took away her 5 minutes. It just so happened that he was on the Jay Leno show the following evening. I didn't watch, I hate Jay Leno, but I saw the highlights, and now people are up in arms because Jay Leno said, "how would your mum feel about the way you acted", well, you probably know this, but his mum died during a plastic surgery procedure about 2 years ago, perfomed by this rogue plastic surgeon, and people thought it was a low blow to ask him about his mother.
In other celebrity news Whitney was on Oprah on Monday and Tuesday (yes, special 2 day season opening event!!!!). I really enjoyed the interview though, she was really candid about the drug use, and what a disaster the marriage was. Oprah asked her if she thought that she would ever use again and she said, "Oprah, I can only think about today, and today I'm not using" I really respected her for saying that, instead of bullshitting about saying, "hell no, I ain't gonna use again."
Health care is so fucking good in this country that I have been having serious pelvic pains, and just some general gyno problems for more than a week. I call the gyno's office today, and I'm putting it on a bit in my voice, saying I think I might have cervical cancer, and describing the symptons and telling her that it's an emergency............they'll fit me in on Wednesday, next week!!!!!! Tell me how that is better than the UK. If it did turn out to be something serious then my health insurance could drop me at any time because I'm costing them too much money - no bull!

I hadnt realised that it was Jimmy Carter bringing up the race card. Do you think its true? This would cause so much trouble here. As for those protesters its incredible that people are so easily conned with sound bites and easily accessible points and issues. Its so easy to do and whip up a dangerous mob. After a real feeling of relief when Barak was elected, these health care protesters are really frightening us. How does a few illegal immigrants getting health care impact on the USAs healthcare costs..really. I looked at the LA Times the other day. Completely NUTS, linking all sorts of scare issues to this fiddling with the insurance system.
Yesterday we watched Teen cribs, and the ostentatious waste of money on entertaining the kids made me feel sick...then we watched Jamie Olivers road trip in New York (hes done LA's Mexican community and Wyoming cowboys already) In NY he went to immigrant communities- underground Peruvian home cooking Restaurant, Columbian legal immigrant who feeds 70 homeless immigrants every night, egyptian restaurants and Halal butchers 6 miles from the Empire State, then he did a dinner Party where people apply online to come to your house and them just leave a donation in a pot (all proceeds to the Columbian bloke) The contrast between dull teens with their own vehicles, games rooms, climbing walls, firemans poles and lifts, then the interesting communities which is actually what the US was built on. But then, thats what these people have trekked through south America, risked the border guards etc for- the American Dream. Why don't the better off understand that the whole point is that the US offers this dream, is built on it and therefore should celebrate it? What is their history of immigration?