I really like Michael Moore, yeah he's an enemy of the right and all the other obvious stuff, and Farenheit 911 although good wasn't as enlightening to me as the less well informed, but if you get the chance watch Roger and Me, and Bowling for Columbine is one of the best documentaries EVER! I think he really became political because of the extremeism of the Bush Administration.
A lot of famous people writing books will do the whole talk-show circuit. Oprah is number 1, and she generally gets the scoop before anyone else, because she really is the most powerful woman in America. For example, Elizabeth Edwards is on there today, (I always record it), and then she is on Larry next Wednesday, and The View next week. She is writing about her husband John Edwards infidelity (look it up), and him running for President, both while she is suffering from breast cancer. Now we find out that the mistress had a kid, and Liz Edwards doesn't know, and I guess ain't trying to know if he's the father. Meanwhile John and Liz also have young kids. Their story is fascinating, t eenage son died several years ago, he was one of the richest guys in the Senate, he came from lowly beginnings, but became one of the most successful litigation attorneys in America. As sorry for her as I feel, my sympathy only goes so far because she knew he had screwed around on her before he ran for President, and she still stuck by her man. I could blog about my feelings on that subject in great detail. I really liked John Edwards because when he first came on the scene in a big way in 2004 he ran for Pres., but lost to John Kerry, and became his running mate. Then we heard the story about how he and Liz met, and how for their wedding anniversary he would take her to Wendy's and they have a standing date every year on that date, and everyone fell in love with the fact that he was so good looking, and she looked like a frumpy mum but he still loved her, and it's now all a crock of shit. Even when he was running against Obama last year none of it had come out yet. His political career is well and truly OVER. Most politicians can come back from infidelity, but not when your wife has breast cancer, and you have another kid. Last night they were saying on the news that she's been told her cancer is terminal (don't know if it's true), it's just a tragic story.
OH the swine flu. What a joke. About 500 confirmed cases in America, (which basically comes down to 10 per state, and everyone is going crazy). It has killed 1 American, because the kid that died here was visiting from Mexico, and she had underlying health problems. Meanwhile, regular flu kills 38,000 people a year here, get a freaking grip. One of the schools in Laurel (where I live) was closed last week, still don't know whether case is confirmed or not, but now the gov. has said that schools shouldn't close because the outbreak is not that severe.
As much as I was enjoying the Chelsea defeat last night, I would have been pissed off if I was a Chelsea fan. However, Anelka was not brought down, and now the Barcelona player loses the right to play in the final- outrageous. Even Hidink said at the end of the game that he didn't think it was a sending off. They have been playing Drogba looking at the camera and saying "it's a disgrace" on a loop all day here on ESPN, every time I see it I fall out laughing. I love that kind of drama when it doesn't involved United, just like I love gossip when it doesn't involve me, LOL!

Shit thats funny that we re both watching Drogba and laughing. We kept rewinding it on the night til C's boyfriend started to get wound up.Do you know Tin Lovejoy? Was Soccer AM on when you left? He does the 606 if you can get Wednesday nights on there is this hilarious welsh bloke getting all upset accusing lovejoy of being biased!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tim lovejoy is the biggest Chelsea fan ever and everyone expects bias, th\at the fun.Looney.
About the Edwards Family- We also heard about about the anniverary trip to Wendys story but not so much about him being a dirty cheating bastard. I just looked for images of her and shes gorgeously mumsy.Shes had 4 kids and no surgery by the looks of it. I could lose 4 stone and my saggy 3 baby no muscle stomach would still be all you saw if I tucked in.