I am in intensive Physio for my leg because although the break is done, I have very angry tissue which is not allowing my foot to move as normal. GRRRRrrr well angry. Physio really fucking hurts you know. I am back on crutches so that we can save the anger for the the physiotherapy and not for hobbling around trying to do normal stuff. So many people have a broken leg story which always end up with "and Ive never been the same since" or " and Ive walked like a cripple since" so I am bloody determined to get it back to normal and will have all the physio i can. I cant imagine what it would be like if I was getting a bill for it at the end.
Ed Milliband beat his brother in the great Labour leadership race. I forced everyone to watch the announcement and it was so exciting reading out the points and adding in the 2nd choice... so that results were announced for David Milliband and you could feel everyone totting up the totals and a gasp, then a cheer went up from different areas of the conference as it was realised that David had only 49.35%, needing over 50% plus 1% more than the 2nd place. (Am I boring you yet) Then Ed's totals were announced at 50.65%. They had known the results and all the commentary was about guessing what their faces told us, and the BBC guessed the wrong way as David was smiling, but Ed was poker faced. (Bored Yet?) Well, H, A and I thought it was thrilling, and then N came in and said "fuckin' 'ell, cant wait for the DVD for Christmas" We who were interested, wondered if it was covered in America....we know all about the Tea party loonies.
What a weekend of football results..only Man City won! I know you wont be happy with that but it is so exciting for those of us who dont have a Premiership Team. Rooney needs to sort himself out but I will not write him off for the sake of a couple of prostitutes...Of course he's a stupid man who needs to control his testosterone, and we feel for Colleen who is generally viewed as a normal pleasant girl who wears Asda Clothes, but football and Englands qualification for Euro 2012 are more important.